β-hydroxy butyrate

β-hydroxy butyrate reagent, (β-HB), Calibrator, Controls and Linearity Checkset

Reagents for determining beta-hydroxy butyrate levels in blood serum

Diabetic animals can build up high levels of keto acids (ketone bodies) in their blood. There are three general ketone bodies involved :- acetoacetic acid, beta-hydroxybutyric acid and acetone. Both acetoacetic acid and beta-hydroxybutyric acid are produced in higher quantities than acetone itself. Of the two former keto acids beta-hydroxy butyrate is by far the most stable and hence is a good target molecule for assay.

Catachem’s assay is an enzymatic UV assay run at 340 nm in which the enzyme beta-hydroxy butyrate dehydrogenase removes a hydrogen from the beta-hydroxy butyrate molecule and attaches this to the co-factor NAD (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) reducing the NAD to NADH. The increase in optical density (OD) due to the increasing concentration of NADH formation is directly related to the concentration of beta-hydroxy butyrate in the blood sample.

Catachem’s β-HBA method is not significantly affected by moderately elevated bilirubin, hemolysis, glucose, or acetoacetic acid. The assay is not affected by lipemic serum with triglycerides levels less than 1,000 mg/dl.

This dual reagent is stable for 30 days after reconstitution. The associated calibrators and controls are liquid stable until the expiry date on the label.

Assay linearity is over the range of 3-75 mg/dL, 3 mg/dL being the lowest level of detection.

The assay is applicable to any clinical analyzer with a 340 nm filter and specific applications are available for most machines in laboratory use today.

Beta-hydroxy butyrate assay – C444-0A – 1 x 25 mL + 1 x 5 mL; C442-0A -3 x 25 mL + 3 x 5 mL

Beta-hydroxy butyrate calibrator – C444-10 – 6 x 3 mL

Beta-hydroxy butyrate control 1 – C444-11 – 6 x 3 mL

Beta-hydroxy butyrate control 2– C444-12 – 6 x 3 mL

Beta-hydroxy butyrate Linearity Checkset – C444-0L – 5 x 5 mL

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